Lambda Function Node.js 16 LTS Sneak Peek

Lambda Function Node.js 16 LTS Sneak Peek
New Runtime

Latest version of NodeJS runtime available in Lambda Functions is 14, this version was released more than 2 years ago and is in Maintenance LTS status since October 2021, it also reaches end of life in 11 months.

Luckily, AWS Lambda dev team experiments with a release approach and rolls out a new runtime NodeJS 16 beforehand (yay!), that means we can go and have a sneak peek on a new LTS version right now with a little help of Pulumi, while an official GA is on the way. Hehe.

I've prepared a demo project to showcase you a magic of next-gen infrastructure-as-code tool, enabled by the combination of Pulumi Native and Pulumi Command providers. Take at look! 👈


As you can see this Lambda is quite modest and exposes only one environment variableAWS_EXECUTION_ENV – just enough to demonstrate which Runtime is being used :)

@jtuliani: There are multiple parts to a runtime launch. There's the managed runtime itself, the container base image, plus support in the console, SAM CLI, AWS CLI, CloudFormation, various AWS SDKs, etc.

PS. So while we are happy and wait for official GA, errors like this will tag us along:

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